Thursday, August 6, 2015

MORE! Whacky News From London

The Real Reason It’s So Hard to Lose the Baby Weight

“Pregnant women really do not need to eat for two, scientists have confirmed.  This is because the body becomes better at extracting energy from food during pregnancy.
The effect appears to last until after…breastfeeding, which explains why some women pile on the pounds while expecting…and find it so hard to get their figure back after giving birth.
Doctors have advised for some time, that pregnant women who eat for two risk weight problems.
Co-author Dr. Jake Jacobson said flies utilize and store fat in the same way we do.”

He did not explain his sudden interest in flies, or why his beady eyes scanned the room, while nervously holding a fly swatter and examining a patient.

Further evidence shows that WalMart shoppers sometimes eat for four or more and cannot tell if they are pregnant with triplets or just constantly hungry.  

Brits pay 40% more than the French to visit Disneyland Paris (premium package)

They shouldn’t complain.  The Germans pay 80% more.  Does that include war reparations?  Just asking.  Greeks get in for free.

A belated diagnosis

“Yesterday, the head of a leading NHS (National Health Service) hospital said it is distracting, frustrating and expensive to have to recruit large numbers of nurses from overseas.
Dr. Keith McNeil, …added that it is also deeply unsettling for patients who often struggle to be properly understood by carers with limited English.”

Mother-of-god!  I said capsule NOT catheter!  Get your hand off my…holy shit!

“The tragedy is that there is no shortage of Britons who want to be nurses: last year there were 57,000 applicants…but hospital managers wrongly decided in 2011 and 2012 that – despite a rapidly growing and aging population – they didn’t need them.”

Several of the 57,000 turned out to be merely avid voyeurs without the proper nurse qualifications.

But, there’s more!

“For the first time, the NHS’s watchdog, NICE, has been forced to instruct hospitals to ensure the dying are given adequate water.”

Water?  Bunch of complainers!  Next week they’re going to want to live a little longer.  Healthy folks are so much easier to deal with.  'You say potato, I say potah-ta, you say water, I say aqua...'

Still more!

            “General practitioners are being offered cash incentives worth up to £200,000 ($310,000) if they do not send patients to hospital for routine operations.
            They have been told to slash the numbers referred for procedures of ‘low clinical value’ including hip, knee, and cataract surgery.”

See, under a government run health system, everyone is entitled to free care.  Wait a sec! Not so fast there, you blind bastard!

I see a connecting thread…eliminate the dying and those whiners needing operations and think of the money you’d save on hiring nurses.

Why are shop dummies so thin?

I’ve often wondered that myself and why their eyes have a blank look and why they don’t open their mouths and converse like normal people? Yes, it’s true the mannequins are slimmer and taller than the patrons, which may lead some, including the irate Synthia Footstone (not her real name) to stamp their feet and gnash their teeth, and write to newspapers while munching her chips and finishing her Venti Latté.

           “Research can’t show a direct link between what mannequins look like and why people feel bad about themselves,” says Dr. Sarah Riley, a psychologist at Aberystwyth University.  She also says stylized and arty mannequins may be leading to great numbers of Brits (up to 750,000), including children having eating disorders. (a paraphrase)

Hold on there, Dr. Riley!  No direct link?  Didn’t I just read that Brits are getting heavier?  Thin mannequins are the only thing I can think of that would cause that!  Oh, the horror.  I won’t be able to sleep tonight.   I think I'll interview a few mannequins and see if it spoils their self-image to have fat people stare at them.

Ok, enough of the sad, bad news.  Let’s move on to:

W is for Witty Ripostes (no the Brit press is not only bad news)

A young actress offering to let Dorothy Parker go through the door first: “Age before beauty.”
Miss Parker: “Yes, my dear and pearls before swine.”

When Zsa Zsa Gabor was asked how many husbands she had had, replied, “You mean apart from my own?”

A notorious bore to Oscar Wilde:  “I passed your house yesterday.”
Oscar Wilde:  “Thank you.”

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