Tuesday, April 2, 2024

French Breakfast Puffs By the Careless Cook

 The Careless Cook is back.  I know it gets ho-hum to read about another bout with muffins, but this batch is worth your while. Even the name sounds tasty and European and glamorous: French Breakfast Puffs!  Ah, yes. French cafes, the softness of misunderstood language, spoken at a reasonable level.  Civil Conversations. Slim men and women, no matter the age, who could be fashion models.

Have you been to France lately, or Germany, or the UK, or Europe in general?  You may have noticed, unlike Americans, the Europeans do not dress in rags or slosh down food and coffee in disreputable grab-and-go second class slop shops. And which of those joints use ceramic cups instead of classless paper cup trash?

 No, and no again, those in more civilized countries sit, well-dressed, in sidewalk cafes that make you want to leisurely sip a coffee and come back every morning for fresh pastry, served by professional waiters and waitresses.  By the way, you may quickly surmise I do not use the word waitstaff. Have a little pride in your sex, for goodness sakes!

Ok, lovers of civility, let's put some easily made, wonderful French Breakfast Puffs on your table at home!

Set you oven to 350ºF or 180ºC


3 cups flour

1 tablespoon baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1/3 teaspoon nutmeg

1 cup sugar

1 cup butter at room temp.....I used my microwave

1 cup milk at room temp....once again...microwave in my kitchen!

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

For The Topping

1/3 cup melted butter

3/4 cup sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

Puttin' It Together

Grease muffin cups with butter, or do as I do and use Teflon muffin trays, with paper muffin cups inserted.

Get a sizable bowl and toss in all the dry ingredients (not the topping ingredients!!! for goodness sakes!) use a fork or whisk to stir.

In a larger bowl, use an electric beater to whip butter and sugar together.  Blend in the eggs.

Now beat in milk and the flour mixture, some of each at a time, until all are well blended.

Put a 2/3 cup of dough into each muffin tin or paper cup and bake for about 20 to 25 minutes.  The edges should be brown, or you can use a toothpick and make sure it comes out clean.

Allow the baked muffins to cool.

Time to mix the sugar and cinnamon for the toping.

Now paint the muffins tops with the melted butter and dip the tops of the muffins in the sugar mixture.

Voilà! You'll be tossing your paper cups and plates before you know it!

You may even begin to use cloth napkins, just like civilized people!