Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Colmar Deux in Jingles

Colmar’s not so very far
If you’re driving in a car.
If you’re walking, ‘nother story
Feels like you’re in purgatory.

She’s got those nice, long legs and she’s really really neat
You can see that fanny twitching as she’s walking down the street.
The guys all think she’s sexy, but her momma knows she’s sweet,
And when it comes to sweetness, well the guys just can’t compete.

A water pitcher on the roof,
Oh, my, it seems so aloof.
With a garden near or far.
I wonder how it’ll ever get thar.

Blue shoes do amuse
But not at all what I would choose.
I would choose the browns and blacks,
For they would go with all my slacks.
Although ordinary they may be,
If not for others, they suit me.
Still the blues do amuse.

I would rather watch a fowl,
Whether sparrow or an owl,
As they flutter in the wind,
…I’ve no idea how this will end!

I ate French bacon once or twice
And I found it very nice.
And I ate some salad, too
As you knew that I would do.
For I can never get enough
Of this Frenchy, savory stuff.

Darkest chocolate tempts my taste.
I will let none go to waste.
Spoon by spoon I pop it in
And then I pop some more again.
They say dark chocolate by the ounce,
Cures some ills I can’t pronounce.
So I gobble once again,
For chocolate is the body’s friend.

Now my stomach’s full of beer
I think I’ve made it very clear.
I may drink some wine or brandy
In fact the bottle’s very handy
And since the beer has left me full
My stomach needs a little lull
It's not the fault of brew alas,
But hand and eye that filled the glass.
And left me in this awful state
Of wanting more, but forced to wait.

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