Monday, October 5, 2020

Greens, Ham, and Cream Soup


Greens, Ham, and Cream Soup


I’ve heard it said, less is more, more or less.  And this soup has a lot of less.  I’ve also heard that simple is good.  This soup is simpler and gooder.  If it got any gooder, I simply wouldn’t eat anything else.


Other soups have asked me, what has this soup got that I don’t got?  My answer really steamed ‘em.  Honey, you just ain’t got the goodness.


Shall I go on?  I’m starting to hear boos from people in the back row.  Ok, I’ll stop before I get dismembered.  Don’t remember the last time I was dismembered….  Yes, I do; got dismembered from my Golf Club.  Fortunately, I found it.


But, enough of the serious chat, let’s get back to a good simple soup that you’re going to love.


Greens, Ham, and Cream Soup


Go ahead and call this chowder if you wish.  It’s thick enough to live up to the name.




1 bag frozen chopped spinach

1 bag frozen chopped collard greens

A big handful of fresh spinach

1 lb slice country ham, cut into thumb sized bits

1  sweet onion, peeled and chopped

1 tablespoon coarse sea salt

1 ½ teaspoons turmeric

2 medium russet potatoes, peeled and chopped

2 tablespoons butter

1 cup heavy cream

a good toss of cracked black pepper to taste

thinly sliced green onions for garnish


Putin’ It Together


Use a large stock pot over medium heat and add 10 cups water.  Add the salt,  and greens and cook for about 50 minutes.


Drain the greens, reserving the potlikker.


Rinse the pot and put it back on medium heat.  Add the ham and cook until it the fat is rendered.  Add the chopped onions and butter in with the ham and cook until the onions are soft.  Add the turmeric, 3-5 cups of the reserved potlikker, and the potatoes.  When the potatoes are soft, add the greens, heavy cream and black pepper.  Bring to a simmer and serve.  Garnish with the thinly sliced green onion.

I served it with corn bread.

I’d offer a wine pairing, but nobody is going to put their soup spoon down long enough to take a sip.

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