Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Odds and Sods MK3, by Derek Robinson

 Odds and Sods MK3, by Derek Robinson


Yes, Derek Robinson has raked through the minutiae of war and life in general and dozens of other areas, to write another enticing book that captures you, even if you’re not in the mood to be captured.  You won’t be able to help it.


Here are a few tidbits. Who came up with a better way to land gliders?  Yes, it had a profound effect on the D-Day landings. Read all about it!


Is there something profoundly interesting in Jane Austin novels and the English Regency period?  And what the heck does that have to do with democracy?


There was an American television series in the 60s…at least I think it was the 60s….anyway, it was called The Desert Rats.  Actually, the real desert rats of World War II North Africa fame were English and, well, who came up with the idea of using small groups to do big things?  This story is also a wonderful lesson in how to snarl and stamp your foot in the doorway of unyielding bureaucracy.  Fascinating.


What does American football have to do with Rugby? You’ll get a kick out of this one.


Page to page, in vignettes, you’re find yourself plunging on and if you find yourself saying “I didn’t know that,” you’re on the right track to developing a very different view of the world, and people, and events.


Now, I do have one point to disagree with, not with the truth, but with the fiction, or the notion that human eyes do not flicker or sparkle.


Yes, I know. And neither do hearts pound like a drum, and I’ve never seen anyone gasp, except in the movies, or seeing a bill at a high-end restaurant.  And when it comes to love, you never actually fall, although you do sometimes get a headache and ask yourself, what in God’s name did I do?


But, eyes sparkling?  See, when a woman whispers, “Darling, your eyes sparkle like diamonds,” I’m not one to deny that happened.  She said the damn things sparkled and I’m going to take her word for it.  Nor am I going to back away from “Your breasts are luscious,” in favor of “Your breasts are kinda round, or maybe oval and one is a slightly different shape from the other one.”  Nope. I’m putting all my money on luscious, and I’m dying to find out where this well traveled road is leading.


“Damn right they sparkle and yours are really good at glittering.”


But, let’s digress back to the book, ODDS & SODS MK3.  This book is a fast read, or is it really?  Yes, page wise it is, but believe me, you will ponder what cowboys really did and how they lived.  And how about the numbering system for houses on a street?  And, in World War II, did the Germans really have some super weapons you don’t know about?  Ever thought of England as slave trading central?


Open you eyes, whether they sparkle or not. This is more than a book, it’s insight, and a spectacular one, of history and literature and even the human body.  You’re going to read these short stack of bits and pieces and find yourself saying….wait a minute…if that’s true…then what about…


Derek Robinson is a fantastic writer of World War I and II historical war novels, but just as powerful a writer when he’s searching out odds and sods that populate our world and our experiences that wedged their way into what we take for granted. 


And while you’re at it, pick up copies of the original ODDS & SODS and also MK2.  For goodness sakes, you deserve a treat! Also check out Never Mind the Facts.


Contact Derek Robinson at delrobster@gmail.com  But, please don’t mention my name.  He’s not going to like my opinion of sparkling eyes.






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