Friday, December 30, 2022

A Perfect Morning


     The morning had flowed soft and sweet, with touches and kisses reserved for the waking hours. They made love and finished with giggles when room service knocked on the door.  Still smiling, they unwrapped from a tangle of sheets and hastily pulled on thick, white terrycloth housecoats from coat hangers in the closet. While she quickly put a few strokes of her hairbrush through her tasseled curls, he finished tying his bathrobe, yelled out “I’m coming,” and opened the door to usher in a young, dark-haired woman in a black skirt and white blouse pushing a rolling silver cart, the top covered in a white linen tablecloth on which sat a silver coffee pot, fruit, croissants, silverware, and small pots of jam. 


     The delightful scent of steaming coffee filled the room and whetted the appetite.  This was how a hotel should be, how mornings should be.


     Few “normal people,” in the U.S. could afford such luxury, or even knew it existed. But this wasn’t the U.S.  This was Europe, a wonderland where kitchens and wait-staff were accustomed to performing in a well-trained professional manner, calmly and with a touch of sophistication.  A holiday was a holiday, and nothing less. Hotel guests were guests and treated accordingly. 


     When the waitress wheeled the cart away and the door closed softly behind her, they doffed the terrycloth robes and once again lay naked in bed, with the covers pulled up, sipping coffee from white china cups, while flaky bits of croissant danced and drifted onto the white bedcover.


     He took a deep breath, his eyes glued on her, as she stopped sipping, and explained where she would like to go and do.  After all, the fabulous city was at their doorstep, open for any adventure. She mentioned looking at scarfs and in bookstores, the grand and famous cathedral, and the park near the waterfront.  He smiled and nodded. A sophisticated woman, but with a girlish side that pleased and intrigued him.


     They were not young, and yet they were.  This also pleased him.


     This would be a glorious day, rain or shine, and this pleased both of them, and swung open a door of excitement.


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Monday, December 19, 2022

Christmas Now is Just a Day


My Christmases have vanished, gone

Scattered through the shards of time

Boyhood dreams all turned to dust

And pleasures turned to rust.


Yet memories skate through my mind

Surprises of the Christmas morn

Laughter’s echoes, delights that were

All now faded and hopes a blur.


All the children now are men

And have their own lives to live 

And in their eyes just pity now

For wrinkles on my ancient brow.


Christmas? Never more for me,

No little voices, no tiny hands

No early rise, in bed I lay 

Christmas now is just a day.


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Floating Memories

Shall beauty rein in depths profound

Wrapped within her evening gown

The whisper of her satin sighs

The stardust in her silvered eyes?


How drifts the memories once more

The promises they held in store

Until she floated from my glance

The dying sparkles, bereft romance.


I still remember moments clear

The moments when she seemed so near

And fantasies that ruled my mind

The days long gone and yet I find


The beauty of the past lives on

And though the past is ever gone

Countless nights and countless dawns

Sweet memories linger on and on.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2022

My Father Goes to War: Pearl Harbor Attack 1941

In 1939, my father, raised in the small town of Chester, South Carolina, joined the army.  During basic training in Charleston, someone in his chain of command asked if anyone thought they could pass a mechanics test and qualify for the Army Air Corps.  It was from that simple raising of his hand that he found himself two years later at Hickam Field on December 7, 1941 and a place in history.  But, before telling of his going to war, it’s important to know the details of a life that led him to be there.

Dad spent his high school years building and rebuilding a Model T Ford with his neighborhood friends.  The Model T, or Tin Lizzie first rolled off the line at the Piquette Ave plant in Detroit in 1908.  It would continue to be made until 1927.  They were cheap and plentiful.

I assure you my Dad's didn't look this good.

With little money, but a need for transportation, Dad and his friends picked up a broken down, rusted hulk and salvaging parts here and there, put together something barely road worthy, that looked roughly like an engine with four tires and a steering wheel.  You have to remember in the 1930s when my dad was a teenager, there were few driving rules beyond “Don’t hurt yourself and don’t hurt anybody else.”  Driver’s license?  Safety devices?  Minimum driving age?  Nonsense and balderdash. If you could get your jalopy to run through the swirling dust on rutted roads, you were doing exceptionally well and to be commended.  In those days of John Herbert Dillinger, George Baby Face Nelson, Clyde Barrow and Bonnie Parker, and other bank robbers and murderers, the local police stayed busy with serious stuff.  Local cops only gave you trouble if you brought it on yourself.  With minor vehicle incidents, the conversation went like this:

“Does your daddy know you’re out here acting like a maniac?”

“No, sir.”

“Well, the next time I see you acting like you own the road, I’m going to tell him!”

“Yes, sir.”  Accompanied by fear and trembling.

Dad first drove his father’s laundry truck in 1928 at the age of ten.  My grandfather had to fasten wooden blocks on the pedals so my dad’s feet could reach.  He had to sit on cushions so he was high enough to see through the windshield.

It was no great surprise that Dad passed the mechanics test.  After much training he became a side gunner on a B-17, Flying Fortress.  The Army Air Corps did things a little differently in those days.  When the flight engineer on my dad’s aircraft had to go back to the states on emergency leave, the aircraft commander, a Captain Sweeny, ask dad to take over the job.  They were standing inside the aircraft, just behind the cockpit when the order was given.  My father, at that time being a corporal, and an independent and outspoken young man, piped in with, “Captain, if you’re going to make me the flight engineer, why don’t you make me a buck sergeant (one rank higher), too?”

That was followed by a fist to the chest, which left my dad sprawled on the floor.  “Corporal, when I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it!”

Many years later, when he reflected on that moment, Dad just shrugged and said, “That’s the way it was.”

Life in the military in Hawaii wasn’t harsh all the time.  Dad flew training missions, drank beer, soaked up the sun on the beach at Waikiki and did all the things young men normally do with their free time.  And in short order they got used to sleeping in on Sunday mornings, in spite of the Navy, which often held Sunday cannon drills on the ships anchored at Pearl Harbor.  The early morning booms from the powder-only firings didn’t bother you after a big Saturday night in Honolulu.

Sunday morning on December 7, 1941 began as any other Sunday morning.  My dad was fast asleep when at 0755 the Japanese attacked.  The attack hit not just Pearl Harbor and the U.S. Navy, but also the airfields at Hickam, where my dad was, Wheeler, Ford Island, Kaneohe, and Ewa.

“Just the Navy firing practice rounds,” was my father’s first thought.  Then plaster began to rain down on the bunks.  In those days, there were no private rooms, just open bay barracks, with row after row of bunks.  The plaster got everyone’s attention and sleepy-eyed men in shorts or pajamas, some with undershirts, some bare chested, blasted out the door with not a clue about what was going on.  Thirty seconds later, with Japanese aircraft bombing and strafing, and explosions going off everywhere they looked, their first thoughts were to get to their aircraft.  Officers and non-commissioned officers were everywhere in the bedlam, waving arms, shouting orders over the din of roaring aircraft, bomb blasts and through clouds of gray, white, and black smoke.

Destruction of my dad's barracks

“Over there!” someone shouted to Dad, pointing toward the parade ground where one lone anti-aircraft gun spewed bullets at the sky and a line of men waited in the open to take their turn when those in front of them were strafed and fell to the ground.

Seeing this as a poor option, my dad sprinted for the flight line.  Chaos reigned.  Japanese planes owned the sky.  Aircraft hangers blazed into crumpled piles of twisted metal, pouring black smoke.  The long concrete parking spots, once featuring placid rows of shiny aluminum aircraft, were now disordered hunks of smudged and burning wreckage.  Like swarms of angry wasps, Japanese planes, with the big red ‘meatball’ makings on the fuselage and wings, dived toward buildings and aircraft again and again, their roaring engines signaling the coming of more death and destruction.

Kate type 97

Scrambling, stopping, taking cover and sprinting to his aircraft, my dad saw a guy kneel down beside a truck and hide behind one of the tires, his knees drawn up, his hands on the back of his neck.  Meanwhile others jumped in the truck and drove away, leaving the kneeling guy out in the open, but probably safer, my dad thought, than kneeling next to a truck, which had to be a prime target.

Dad ran on.  He saw another guy leap into a ditch and lay down flat, using the ditch for cover.  Just then a Japanese fighter came in low, guns blazing, hitting the guy on his ass and immediately flipping him into the air. Seemingly unfazed, the guy landed on his feet, held onto his damaged posterior and ran off in another direction.  Medics? At that point there was nothing more than dying or not dying, running for cover, or just running.  The men must have felt they had been pushed through the fiery gates of hell.

Seeing there was nothing left of his aircraft, dad joined a big group of guys moving en masse toward the armory.  Getting there and finding the doors locked, they demanded the Sergeant on guard duty open up and pass out weapons.  In the loud voice of authority, he declined and was immediately and roughly shoved aside and the doors broken down.  Arms for the multitudes!  Like all the others, Dad grabbed a gun, but forgot to grab bullets.  All around him, sporadic gunfire broke out, apparently without effect.  Ever tried to hit a bird on the wing with a rifle?  Try hitting a maneuvering aircraft going over two hundred miles an hour!

Attacks across the island lasted for two hours and twenty minutes.  In that time, more than 2400 Americans were killed and another 1200 were wounded.  Eighteen ships were sunk and more than three hundred aircraft damaged or destroyed.

This unprovoked attack was indeed a day that will live in infamy.

After Pearl Harbor, the Army Air Corps was hungry for pilots.  My father got into the Aviation Cadet Program and earned his wings flying PT-17s and T-6s. After graduation he trained in the B-24 Liberator.  In 1943, he was given a free trip to the garden spot of New Guinea in the south Pacific.  There he flew missions for the best part of a year and after postings around the world, including Japan, he retired in 1963 as a major.  His decorations included the Silver Star, the Distinguished Flying Cross, and the Air Medal.  In those days, the Silver Star ranked just below the Medal of Honor.

I found it strange, that while he, my mom, my brother, and I were living in Japan, I never once heard either of my parents say one derogatory word about the Japanese people. In fact, they praised their work ethic, their friendliness, and their determination to pull themselves back onto their feet.  On my dad’s part, it went deeper than ‘forgive and forget.’  Although having no advanced, formal schooling outside the military and with only a high school diploma, I think he knew in his heart, mind and having been to war, how little control the common soldier, sailor, marine, or airman has over the swirling winds of conflict.  In short, he saw people who shot at him and bombed him as wartime enemies.  When the war was over, those who had once been enemies reverted to their roles as fathers and sons who worked hard to put bread on the table and keep their families safe.  My father bore the Japanese people no ill will.  He understood very well what it was to be tossed powerlessly into that uncertain fate called war.

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Poem Words

 Poem Words


A poem came to me one day

Just a word that went astray

And fortunately passed my way.

No tone or promise, just an array.

Two more floated, then another

Drifted past and softly uttered

A hint of rhyme that lingered long

And strung together, prolonged.

The beauty of it felt so new,

Red and yellow, pink and blue

Bouquets of flowers not of words

Not at all what I first heard.

But bouquets need attending

Rearranging, somehow blending

Until they look just right

Standing tall in bright sunlight.

It’s then I found the words were rhyme

A poem passing through my mind.  

And that is how it came to be

Nothing at all to do with me.

I’m just a catcher of stray words

Passed by wind and songs of birds

Until at once they come together

Poem words from wind and feather.

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Sunday, November 27, 2022

Time was long and time was bent


Time was long and time was bent

Life’s good fortunes tossed and spent

Wasted footprints in the dust

Scattered by the breeze of lust

Love’s bubbling fount long since dry

Kisses, laughter now a sigh

The sun shined so brightly then

Not a care of if and when

Soft skin, bright eyes, golden dreams

Now hidden under wrinkle creams

Old friends that have passed beyond

Our time has spent, our savings gone

And yet we rise to greet the day

Hoping that in some way

The well of time will once more brim

With thoughts of love, bright eyes, soft skin.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Care to take a Personality Quiz?


Care to take a Personality Quiz?


I often hear people say “I don’t have time, for …..?


Truth is, we all have the same amount of time in a day, unless we’re so hung over we longer know day from night from nightmare.  But, for the rest of we solid citizens, sober, and in good health….well, that’s enough banter.  I’ll pick up the pace. Try to keep up.


Try this if you’re up for a slap in the face and an enlightening discovery on how you spend your time and why you never seem to have enough.  


This exercise falls in the wide gap between quiz and experiment.  As a rule I detest experiments, a hold over from time I wasted in Chemistry class cozying up to the periodic table, daydreaming about the mysteries of the female anatomy, and doing titrations, for reasons that still escape me, although anger still resides.


Ok, on to the business at hand.  This experiment is thoughtfully simple.


1. Make a list of the things that are most important to you:  family, church, close friends, job, pets, shopping for muskmelons, grand kids, exercise, biting the heads off venomous reptiles.


2. Categorize your list in order, from most important to least important.  Give yourself a miscellaneous category for smoking cigars, buying new shoes, cleaning the bathrooms, and remembering your wife’s birthday.


3. Now for the grinding of teeth.  Give each important part of your life a percentage of the time you WANT/NEED to spend.  And of course, unlike athletes who failed math and think they are able to give 110%, you are stuck with 100%.


4. Now comes the really tough task:  Not counting sleep, which to be dishonest, we shall call eight hours.  Keep tract of how many hours you honestly spend on everything during the other two thirds of your day.  


5.  Now compare where you spent most of your time and how it matches with each of your important categories.  Don’t forget to include the throw-away time you spend napping, complaining, and trying to figure out what politicians really mean.


As Dr. House often said, everybody lies.  Mostly we lie to ourselves.  Such as:  I exercise everyday.  I work fourteen hours a day!  I don’t have time to read.  I don’t eat very much.  I spend a lot of time with my family. Don’t guess.


Sometimes your categories will overlap. That doesn’t matter. The purpose of the experiment is to figure out how to rearrange your time to put the most important things first.


Shall I offer suggestions on how you can rearrange the time?  Oh, hell no!  As one of my favorite talking heads said:  You know the answers.  You just want someone to give you easier answers.


This experiment is not to turn you into a CPA for time management.  But it may stabilize your life, or at least prompt you to put the emphasis on what’s most important to you. 


Even so, I had to lie when household chores didn’t make my top ten and someone suggested it should.  Especially, I was told,  it should come a few steps ahead of watching football and reruns of The Beverly Hillbillies. Under threat of scorn, and in self-defense, I agreed she was right.  That’s the last time I’ll let her look at my list. Try not to judge me harshly.  And don’t lie and tell me you really did this ridiculous experiment and found you exercised like a racehorse, spent every waking moment with your family and you use a good part of your week to feed the poor, not including freeloading family members.


Now you have to ask yourself:  AM I READY FOR THE TRUTH?


Now back to The Beverly Hillbillies. 

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Thursday, November 17, 2022

Marching On


Marching On


I hear the footsteps marching on

The drumbeats hollow, the band is gone

And yet the sun still roams the sky

It all seems very different now

The sun glows dimly, I don’t know why.

Leaves still rustle teased by breeze

Life should be the same to me

My heart still beats in silent measure

More and more each beat I treasure.

They passed unnoticed in my youth

Those sunny days all hid the truth

Of growing old of passing youth.

Life so full, embraced each day

Sleepy dreams blew cares away

Now clouds and clarity of youth pass on

The charm of night, the creep of dawn

All my lonely promises fade on

But footsteps heavy still march along.


Saturday, October 22, 2022

Fluffy Cheese Biscuits by The Careless Cook


Fluffy Cheese Biscuits by The Careless Cook


You want the whole story?  I suspect not, so I’ll be as brief as this very brief recipe is. These biscuits are very light and fluffy!  A bit of this and that and you can sip your first cup of coffee while your creation bakes.  Oh, you want more specifics?  Ok, followed by a deep sigh.


First things first for this rapid fire, delightful biscuit:  Either a Bloody Mary or a Mimosa.  


Second step: Heat the oven to 450ºF. If you’re anywhere but the USA, try 175ºC.  Grease or put parchment paper on a baking sheet.  I used the parchment.




2 cups flour

1 cup milk

1 heaping tablespoon baking powder

½ teaspoon salt, or a bit less (A chef has to make a decision now and again)

¾ - 1 cup shredded cheddar (I suggest a full cup, but you’re the chef, so do what the hell suits you)

¼ cup melted butter + plus ¼ cup to paint the tops of the finished biscuits

1 large egg


Puttin’ it together


I used a handheld electric beater


Put the flour, salt, baking powder, and cheese in a large bowl and stir.


In a separate bowl, stir an egg and add the milk. Stir to combine, then  stir in a quarter cup of melted butter.


Add the liquid mixture to the flour mixture and use the beater to thoroughly combine.  Note: The dough will be sticky and soft.  If not, add more milk a little at a time.  Drop tablespoons of dough on the baking sheet.  I dropped a bit over a tablespoon (more or less) at a time.  


For this amount of dough I needed two baking sheets.


Depending on the size of your biscuits, bake for 8 to 10 minutes.  Judge by the tops browning.  Mine were done in 8 minutes.


Remove biscuits from the oven and paint the tops with the melted butter.


Now, while your ungrateful guests whine about not having enough for third and fourth serving. Ignore them and switch from a Bloody Mary to straight vodka. You also may want to skip the ice.

If you are a fan of quick and easy recipes and enjoy a little bit of humor with your morning brandy, please feel free to subscribe!

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Banana-Coconut-Walnut-Cinnamon Muffins by The Careless Cook


Banana-Coconut-Walnut-Cinnamon Muffins by The Careless Cook


What if you need to feed muffins to about twenty hungry ladies who have flitted past the age of consent long ago and hurdled a few other milestones?  What if you only have an hour or so to complete this wondrous task?  Now let’s up the ante.  Suppose your culinary career and high hopes for a settled and peaceful home-life rides on your performance?


Can it be done?  Well, of course and The Careless Cook will lead you on, smiling and cheerful.  Who knows, you may even get in return sly winks from your fatted calves and promises of sweet reminders of your youth, like chocolate cookies and your grandmother’s peanut brittle.  If you are lucky, you may even get pecks on the cheek, but I wouldn’t count on it.  There are limits.


Admittedly, The Careless Cook keeps a well-stocked larder, so if my three faithful followers lag behind in the fundamentals of chefery, they may need to make a quick trip to a nearby grocery.  And let that be a lesson to you!


It’s football season, so I’ll put it this way:  Are you ready to cook?  I SAID:  ARE YOU READY TO COOK?  YES, you scream, as we break the huddle and head to the kitchen.


Time to get on with it.


Sometimes the best recipes may be found on common packaging and so it was with this one from a box of Bran Flakes.  But, of course, being careless by nature and habit, The Careless Cook had to make a few minor changes, all of which are pleasing.


Banana-Coconut-Walnut-Cinnamon Muffins.

I realize that’s a mouthful. You may want to casually 

 mention Bran Muffins and let your hungry hordes guess

 the rest.


NOTE:  You may have noticed I frequently use my food processor for blending bakery dough or batter.  NOT THIS TIME.  ALL IS HAND MIXED IN A BOWL, WITH A WHISK.




2 cups of bran flakes

1 ripe banana, mashed

1 x 13.66 ounce can of coconut milk, or whatever amount your can says

½ cup brown sugar

1 egg

1 teaspoon of vanilla extract…I just used a slosh

1 ½ cups of flour. I used unbleached all purpose

½ to ¾ cups of chopped walnuts

1 good handful of sweetened, shredded coconut

1 ½ teaspoons baking soda

¾ teaspoon ground cinnamon, or a bit more

½ teaspoon salt  - don’t you just hate it when recipe

writers turn up their noses to show off their delicate sensitivities by specifying what kind of salt, like kosher salt or sea salt?  Yes there are some minor differences, but with ½ teaspoon, sodium chloride is sodium chloride!


People sometimes ask me, is salt really kosher?  No.  It’s a heavy grained salt, with no additives, used to season or preserve kosher meat.


Puttin’ It Together



Heat your oven to 375ºF (with my oven, which runs a little hot, I used 350ºF)

Smear a 12 cup muffin tin with butter.  I used my fingers to smear and to make sure the tins were well coated. 


I was making 20+ muffins, so I used two 12 cup muffin tins and only filled them halfway.


1. Put bran cereal and coconut milk in a large bowl and stir well. Add banana, sugar, vanilla, and egg.  Stir until well blended.  Now whisk in remaining ingredients (except for flour and baking soda) until well blended.


2. Whisk together the flour and baking soda, and blend in with the other ingredients, a little at a time.


3. Put the batter in the muffin tins and shove them in the oven for 20 minutes.  Since I was only filling my cups half full, I used 18 minutes. Either way, test by inserting a toothpick in a muffin.  Should come out clean.


Time to finish that morning snifter of brandy and pat yourself on the back, if you can still reach your back.  If not, either join a yoga class, or ask the ladies to do the patting.

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