Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Slightly Spicy Cheese Biscuits by The Careless Cook


Two of the things The Careless Cook likes to bake are biscuits and scones.    Is it because he is thoughtless and lazy?  No! Not entirely.  Often he is called upon to scape together massive amounts on short notice, to feel hordes of hungry and fabulously beautiful women.  Really? You ask.  Well, some are just hungry. 

Do women drop by the Cook’s kitchen and say, “Get with it you bad boy!  Can’t you tell we’re hungry”? It’s worse than that.  There are groups that meet every week and someone close to The Careless Cook insists these ladies are helpless and must be fed, and that he should also bake enough to satisfy their husbands and unknowns who simply pass through and catch a whiff of fresh baked goods.

But, not only does The Careless Cook bake for the multitudes, but also publishes recipes on this blog.  What a guy!

You may have read and perhaps baked the many biscuit and scone recipes that have appeared on these wonderful pages. If so, he applauds your taste and energy.  We shan’t discuss those who don’t bother and just want to be fed.

But, The Careless Cook still has high hopes for those who dedicate themselves to depending on charity, and will change their slovenly ways.   With that in mind, he offers this wonderful (and easy) biscuit recipe for Slightly Spicy Cheese Biscuits.

On to the baking…..

Slightly Spicy Cheese Biscuits

Oven set to 425ºF

Baking time about 14 minutes 

Every oven is different and the size of these drop biscuits may vary.  

You’ll know when the biscuits are done when the edges are brown and crispy and the peaked tops are a beautiful brown.


1 1/2 cups flour

1/2 cups course yellow cornmeal

1 heaping tablespoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon red pepper (more if you favor a mouth full of fire)

1 teaspoon salt

1 stick cold butter, chopped fine or shredded

2-3 cups coarsely, not finely shredded sharp cheddar (I used Australian sharp cheddar because I prefer the flavor)

1 cup butter milk (I used whole milk and added a teaspoon of fresh lemon to sour the milk)

Putin’ It T-gether

  1. In a medium sized bowl, all all the dry ingredients and mix well
  2. Add the butter and use your hands (as The Careless Cook does) or use a beater to mix
  3. Add the coarsely shredded cheese and use your hands to mix well
  4. Add the milk and mix well.  The Careless Cook uses a Danish hand held whisk/paddle because he finds it a fabulous mixer and easy to clean.

Prepare a cookie sheet by taking a sheet of parchment paper and lightly splash some water on one side so it sticks to the cookie sheet.

Use a tablespoon to scoop up some dough and drop it on the cookie sheet. Keeping going to fill the cookies sheet with lumps of dough about a inch or two apart.

Pop ‘em in the oven, set the timer, and wait for the goodness to happen! This recipe should make about 25 or more biscuits.

Don’t know what a Danish whisk looks like?  Check Amazon!

The Careless Cook has tried this recipe on both the ravenously hungry and the unfortunately picky eaters. Both groups showed surprise and disappointment when the last biscuit disappeared.

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